Sunday, May 27, 2012

Recalling School time pens!

This really amazes me to write about some of the old memories and especially it is about school time. No wonder there would be a smile on your face while you complete this line. You would have surely recalled some or one of your memorable moments of old times.

While in working hours, I was just going through the usual walk to my colleague Sujeet and saw him stuck somewhere, so thought to clear his doubt and push his car forward. In order to explain better, I took the paper and pen which were on his desk and started the explanation. It went over, finished. I was just moving back to my desk and there was something which was pulling me back, was something magnetic and it was the pen I just used, CELLO Gripper... and guys it all started now.

I remember the mentions of 0.5,0.6 mm points!

I used to ask colleagues and raised the topic of pens and one by one many names came out. Chirag Said Papermate, Anup Said Jetter, I recalled Jotter, cello gel.
Atul Makwana said Reynolds pens, etc.

I remember well that Dr. Saurabh Patel's classic handwriting were courtesy(give credit to pens too) to Reynold 045!


Moreover I remember my Friends Vineet Patel and Atul Patel always used Reynolds Jetter.

Dr. Abhishek Vyas used Mitsubishi uni ball pens.

Some High profile friends were using Gel pens, Jotter ones, Parker ones, Roller balls, minister ink pens.

You might also remember cello pointec in which we used to see ink level.

Also the 4 color pens.

Flash back of memories.

parker ballpoint pen refill

Hope you enjoyed.




Subbu said...

Reading this brought back few fond memories(late 80's).Parker jotter is the one I remember having used for quite sometime. I swiped it (so to speak) from my dad , damn thing was built like a tank , I should also mention the fat refill it came with, it had copious amount of ink which seem to last forever

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